If you are unhappy with the level of our service, please contact us and let us know. It is mainly through your feedback that we are able to review and keep improving the overall service we provide. We will do our best to resolve any complaint that you have as quickly as possible, once it has been investigated.
We will deal with your complaints or queries as quickly as possible. We will aim to acknowledge your enquiry within 3 business days and respond within 10 working days of receipt of your enquiry.
If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction you can ask to escalate the matter internally by writing to our Customer Care Team at UkMailExchange.com, Surpic Limited, 25 St Georges Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3DT, explaining that you wish the matter to be escalated.
If you are suffering abuse from our service, then please email abuse@UkMailExchange.com.